Social Media Trap
Social Media Trap Some WhatsApp users complained and police arrested Ayush. According to the complainants, a hateful, offensive and religiously divisive post went viral since last three-four days, from the WhatsApp group of which Ayush was the admin. Damini, a Cyber Security consultant analysed Ayush's social media handles (his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter profiles), through social media analytic tools. This type of analysis can reveal a great deal about a person's mental state. Like… Is the person depressed? Restless? Angry? or balanced? What are the political, religious and social beliefs of that person? Etc ... From social media analysis, however, Ayush seemed to be a young man with a balanced personality. At the request, the police allowed Damini and Advocate Sachin (Ayush’s prosecutor) to check the cloned copy of Ayush's mobile phone. When a cyber-crime happens, during digital forensics, a cloned copy of the involving device is created and the origin...